DIY Affirmation Cards

What better way to start 2019 than on a positive note with a beautiful craft. Letting children create their own affirmation cards allows them to explore what inspires them individually. 

The fawns love unicorns so I found a unicorn set of journal cards which we have used as the foundation for their blended set of affirmation cards. 

What you’ll need

  • Journal cards (you can find these at most craft stores)
  • Kraft stock card
  • Decorations - pressed flowers, stock paper, washi tape.
  • Mod podge
  • Scissors, pencil and paint brush
Making the cards

The first thing you’ll need to do is trace a journal card on the craft stock card and cut them out so you have your blank cards ready to get creating! 

Explore topics with your children to help them discover which affirmations they’d like to use. For example, Lacey told me that she wanted to choose love because she wants cuddles forever and then she wanted one that involved the sun because it’s warm. So we talked about why she chose those topics and read through from affirmations until she found one she loved. It’s a great conversation point to delve into what inspires their souls. 

They decorated some with washi tape first and some after the affirmations had been written. They also drew some pictures on the back of the stock paper, which we cut out and they glued onto the cards. The final touches were the pressed flowers. Use mod podge to attach and seal these onto the cards by painting a little in the spot you want to put them and then over the top of the flowers as well. 

Allow the mod podge to dry and the cards are complete!

If you have a go at making some of these, please tag me @deerandfawns on IG and ‘Deer and Fawns Education’ on Facebook. I would love to see!

-M 🌏✌️✨


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