Magical Colour Changing
It's National Science Week in Australia and we are doing different experiments all week. The fawns love anything that colour changes so this magical experiment brought a lot of smiles! Materials -Half a red cabbage - Glass jars, milk bottles or cups (your choice really, anything you can see through) - Stirring stick - Bi carb soda - Vinegar - Lemon juice - Cream of tartar - Water - Dish washing liquid - Pen and paper (for labels) Procedure - Boil cabbage (chopped) in a small-medium saucepan with water covering it until most of the colour has been extracted from the cabbage. Strain and move liquid to a large bowl or jar to cool. I kept ours sealed in a jar until we were ready to use it the next day. - Pour some of the purple water into a glass of your choice and try adding different ingredients and combinations to see the chemical reactions between the alkalising and acidic ingredients. (Colour combinations listed at the bottom) If your purple water...